
About Truth in Time

We’ve all heard the Sunday School stories about Noah’s Flood, Mt. Sinai, manna in the wilderness, water from the rock, Jericho, and much more. We’ve read Genesis and Exodus many times.

Maybe you’ve heard the strong and relentless attacks on these accounts, coming from people who are knowledgable and persuasive. If you haven’t, your children and grandchildren most certainly will. God’s ancient Word is repeatedly relegated to myth and legend, or worse, made into a laughingstock. But we must ask, in all honestly, are the foundations of Christianity really even true? Because who among us wants to base their lives on fairy tales? 

Journey with us to the ancient Old Testament, as we see these events with new eyes. Learn how/why secular historians are mistaken when they relegate accounts like Noah’s Flood and the Exodus to myth or legend. See that these events were more real than you ever imagined. Stand in awe of God and His works in history.

Learn where Moses stood on Mt. Sinai, and where the Israelites camped on the plain below. Follow the Israelites through the wilderness, tracing the locations on a map—and almost feel the thirst of the people when they arrived at Rephidim with no water in sight. Hear about the amazing source of the water that flowed out from the rock. Touch and taste the manna that was produced in the wilderness, appearing on the ground every morning. Learn how it was produced in the unique circumstances of the Israelite encampments. 

All this, and so much more.

Our ministry starts with getting the chronology straightened out, and from there, all the puzzle pieces fall right into place. All these ancient events can be placed on a timeline and the evidence can be found in the real world. (The source of our presentations is the work of Dr. Gerald Aardsma, The Biblical Chronologist.) 

Our prayer is that those who attend our sessions will leave with their faith strengthened, and their hearts rejoicing in the amazing real-world truth of God’s Word.

About the Hall Family

Steve and Jennifer Hall met in college and married in 1999. They are the son-in-law and daughter of Dr. Gerald Aardsma.

The Halls are blessed with eight children (as well as one daughter-in-law and one son-in-law), ranging in age from 24 to 7. The younger five children are still at home, and the older three are on their own, serving the Lord and pursuing higher education.

Steve served as an assistant pastor for 20 years before coming to work with Aardsma Research and Publishing and the Truth in Time ministry. He also presently serves as Pastor of Christian Bible Church in Cissna Park, Illinois.

Subscribe to Steve’s blog which includes articles on biblical chronology, as well as other posts from our family’s adventure on the sea of life.

About Dr. Gerald Aardsma

The sessions we present are based upon the work of Dr. Gerald Aardsma, who has worked in the field of biblical chronology for decades. His discoveries have brought a desperately needed harmony to ancient biblical and secular history.

Dr. Aardsma is not only a physicist and a chronologist, he is also a conservative Christian. His research reflects a high view of both the scientific and the biblical data bearing on any question, and sheds new light on many long-standing problems between the Bible and secular studies. Dr. Aardsma’s work and discoveries are documented on this site.

Dr. Aardsma’s work, in recent years, has led to the discovery of two new vitamins. (This is based on the longevity data in Genesis.) Most recently he has published Bread from Heaven: The Manna Mystery Solved.

Get The BC Messenger Newsletter & Podcast

An enjoyable way to stay up-to-date with the work of Truth in Time and The Biblical Chronologist (BC). Steve and Jennifer Hall host this podcast each month, which always includes a collage of unique topics and lively discussion. Be encouraged and strengthened in your faith as you listen!

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